Nemesio was born on December 19, 1919. With Nicanor’s growing family his income as a schoolteacher became inadequate so he decided to resign after 12 years of teaching to become the manager of the Singer Sewing Machine, Co. branch that just opened in Bauan. To augment their income, his wife Petra started a home industry for the women of Inicbulan by doing embroideries. With their increased income they were able to afford to build their own house with a small variety store downstairs.
In 1922, he decided to work in Manila at Yangco Steamship Lines. He went to school at night and completed his studies in book-keeping and stenography. In 1924, he asked the owner of the company and philanthropist Don Teodoro R. Yangco for help to rebuild the school in Inicbulan. To convince the Don of his honest intentions, he invited the philanthropist to come with him and see for himself the deplorable condition of the school – the one he and the people of the barrios built many years ago. To welcome the millionaire, the schoolteachers presented a special program for him. Upon observing the unsafe conditions of the school building, Don Yangco decided to help. He authorized the release of funds and asked Nicanor to supervise the rebuilding of the school. During construction, only first-class materials were used and when the school was finished, it was fittingly renamed the Yangco School. Because of his diligent work, Nicanor earned the trust of Don Yangco. And whenever there were any disasters in Batangas, Nicanor would be entrusted to bring relief funds to the victims, courtesy of Don Yangco.